My "Friends" called Hebrew Israelites (Barbados) - be-001

In 2021, I visited a number of Hebrew Israelite communities on the island of Barbados. Why? I was looking for a fellowship. Since leaving fellowship with Christians I was feeling a little lonely, just a little. So then I started my trek from community to community. However, there was a problem.

The Problem: The Hebrew Israelites I spoke with mentioned that they do not regard the New Testament (NT) with the same authority as the Old Testament (OT). However, my position is that the New Testament holds equal authority, and I can prove it.

After meeting with a leader of one of these communities I visited, he joined me to a WhatsApp group. Given this opportunity, I decided to show him my evidence. I carefully devised an approach to demonstrate why they should not dismiss the authority of the New Testament. Understanding the NT is critical to the purpose of Yeshua and why He came to this planet.

My Approach: 

1. Show him the unique codes and structure in the OT and NT that NO OTHER BOOK IN THE WORLD HAS. Watch and read about the codes (OT) and the structure (NT) (this was shown to the leader, not the group). 

2. Discuss with him the misinterpretation of the NT. Show him where and why Paul was misunderstood.

ANOTHER PROBLEM: After showing the leader the evidence and asking him if there was an error (he found none), he removed me from the WhatsApp group. Again, just for showing him evidence, he removed me from the group. I then stopped my direct communication with him and did not communicate with him since. Now, this was not the problem, the real problem is what he told a member about me. I was made out to be a bad boy. In January 2025 at a function, I met one of the members from 2021. In a discussion with her, she said my removal was justified based on what she was told by the group's leader.

I have decided to share the entire Whatsapp chat that I had with that "leader". Again, this chat ended when he removed me from the group. 

People are free to believe or deny what they want but do not attack a person's character for showing you THE TRUTH. Enemies of truth are enemies of God. 

My DATA communication with the Hebrew Israelite (on Truth of the Gospel Ministry)

Names were removed to protect the innocent. 

Another Issue with another Hebrew Israelite group

#BajanEagle | TTGM

Introduction to the Kingdom of God



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